Both EcoSEC instruments are compact, all-in-one systems with a dual flow refractive index detector and temperature-controlled interior.
The dual-flow design of the RI detector in the EcoSEC GPC Systems compensates for changes in the RI of the solvent over time by continuously pumping fresh solvent through the reference side of the flow cell. This results in superb baseline stability and a decrease in baseline drift.
Multi-Angle Light Scattering detector combines the best of both the MALS and LALS detectors. It offers a conventional cell and an extended flow path that uses 3 angles to provide MALS and LALS analysis.
The LenS 3 detector uses a green laser (λ = 505 nm), which provides approximately 2.7 times higher scattering intensity than a conventional red laser (λ =660 nm). Greater sensitivity is also provided by the unique design of the light path, as opposed to a conventional flow cell, which allows maximum interaction with solute molecules and a more effective light collection mechanism with lower noise.